Taunton River Stewardship Council

Stewards of the Wild & Scenic Taunton River
Image Credit: Wildlands Trust


The Taunton River is a hidden treasure, rich in history and environmental resources. As one of the most diverse and intact coastal riverine ecosystems in all of southern New England, it provides outstanding wildlife habitat, great scenic beauty, and a multitude of recreational opportunities, from camping and canoeing to snowshoeing and bird watching.

To learn more about the Taunton River and the Stewardship Council, please visit any of the the drop-down menus above.

News and Events

The Council is pleased to award Community Grant award recipients.

The Council is pleased to award the following recipients with a Community Grant award in support of their projects to enhance the Taunton River’s outstanding natural resources. Continue reading

Landscape Conservation Project Awarded:

The Healey-Driscoll Administration awarded $1.25 Million to the town of Middleborough and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) for the Fort Hill Conservation Project. This project will protect 278 acres that extend protection to 2.25 miles of the Taunton River in Middleborough. In addition to conserving important agricultural lands, mitigating future... Continue reading

National Park Foundation Grant Awarded

The NRTB, in partnership with the Town of Bridgewater, the MA Dept. of Corrections, the Taunton River Stewardship Council, and others, was awarded a National Park Foundation grant to construct a 1.8-mile, natural surface pedestrian trail along the banks of the Wild and Scenic Taunton River and other land. The... Continue reading

The Taunton Wild and Scenic River

The Taunton River travels through 10 communities for approximately 40 miles from the confluence of the Town and Matfield Rivers to the confluence of Mt. Hope Bay.

For over two decades, local citizens, planners, conservation groups, and other partners worked to protect the natural and cultural resources of the Taunton River. It is their efforts, through local planning, stewardship, and advocacy, that helped the Taunton achieve federal Wild and Scenic recognition.

In 2009, President Obama signed federal legislation designating the entire mainstem of the Taunton River as a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System to be administered by the National Park Service through a locally-based partnership, the Taunton River Stewardship Council. 

Please explore this website to learn more about the Taunton and what it means to be a Wild and Scenic River.